Class Description
Pre-requisite: Powered Industrial Truck Operator
Students will be required to operate the forklift using previously learned techniques including hand signals. The instructor will work with each student individually so please call 508-792-5443 option 4 to reserve a time slot between 7AM and 12 Noon .
Required Equipment
Members attending training must provide their own safety shoes, safety goggles, gloves, ear protection and hard hats. Failure to provide your own safety equipment may result in your being dropped from a particular training session.
Attendance Requirements
Attendance at the first training session is mandatory. 100% attendance is required for all courses that issue Certificates or Qualifications and Apprentice mandatory training. Please be on time! Late arrivals (and early departures) are disruptive to instructors and participants. Poor attendance / disruptive behavior will result in your being dropped from a particular training session.