Class Description

This 24-hour hybrid course (16 hours hands-on and 8 hours online) is for members who work at heights and serve (or potentially serve) in leadership roles (foreman, steward, superintendent, site safety, etc.) managing those working at heights on commercial construction sites. It provides both knowledge and practical skills to gain competency and proficiency in supervising workers utilizing fall protection equipment, and to gain preparedness, competency, & familiarity with the rescue of fallen workers. Topics include the ANSI Z359 Fall Protection Code, guardrail installation and inspection, PFAS equipment, suspension trauma, the rescue of fallen workers at heights, written fall protection plans & procedures, identifying & predicting potential hazards and developing correlating response plans to mitigate/eliminate, and managing a fall protection program. The First Session starts in-person at the training facility listed in the course title. This course is not a substitute for the Construction Fall Protection course provide by the CITF. This course does not count towards the required classes under the CBA.
Required Equipment
Members attending training must provide their own safety shoes, safety goggles, gloves, mask or face covering, ear protection and hard hats. Failure to provide your own safety equipment may result in your being dropped from a particular training session.
Attendance Requirements
Attendance at the first training session is mandatory. 100% attendance is required for all courses that issue Certificates or Qualifications and Apprentice mandatory training. Please be on time! Late arrivals (and early departures) are disruptive to instructors and participants. Poor attendance / disruptive behavior will result in your being dropped from a particular training session.