Class Description
This 24-hour course prepares the member to take the Mass. Construction Supervisors’ License Exam. This course covers the current editions of the applicable commercial and residential codes. Note: The State of Massachusetts requires a minimum of 3 years of full-time documented employment in the construction field in order to be eligible to take the exam.
*Books are currently SOLD OUT* – new order TBD – most likely into the new year
Required Equipment
Members attending training must provide their own CSL Books. Failure to attend classes may result in your being dropped from a particular training session.
Attendance Requirements
Attendance at the first training session is mandatory. 100% attendance is required for all courses that issue Certificates or Qualifications and Apprentice mandatory training. Please be on time! Late arrivals (and early departures) are disruptive to instructors and participants. Poor attendance / disruptive behavior will result in your being dropped from a particular training session.